Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year!!! Resolutions...

It is a familiar countdown, the glorious 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HAPPY NEW YEAR countdown that is... It is one that brings joy and excitment to everyone (or atleast me) and it is one that gets everyone (again, atleast me) thinking about how in the world am I gonna make this year count... So then i started pondering, it is a new year, a new chance, what am i gonna do about it? How am i gonna serve God this year? What will make the difference from last year and this year?

Here is what i decided:
1. Serve God with all my heart....
2. Help others out of love working for God not for man...
3. Choose Joy when things are not the greatest...
4. Encourage others in the way I speak...
5. Not to be bossy or demanding but to be honoring aand respectful and an example...
6. To give to God first...
7. Read the Bible everyday...
8. Not be jealous of what anyone else has or does, but instead rejoice when they succeed...
9. Be patient in situations...
10. To truly forgive...

Along with all those other resolutions I make:
1. Finish all the half read books i started...
2. Count my shoes and reduce to under 40 pairs
3. get the mail everyday
4. reduce to a max of 4 sodas a day (AHHHH is it possible?)
5. To floss atleast once a month!
6. Attempt to ski! (Pray for me, and i'll pray for you!)
7. try to think of something else to type....
8. still thinking
9. still thinking
10. NOPE, thats about it... LOL



The Paasch-inator said...

Kristi Joy! I am so excited that you are in the blog world! (Your middle name fits you so well, by the way!) I like your resolutions... good stuff to aspire to. I loved the one about the shoes, though... that was hilarious. I have a friend from Mexico who is OBSESSED with shoes. She is almost to 100. She has every kind of shoe imaginable. She'll start screaming if she sees one that she likes. It's great.

God bless and have a wonderful New Year!

Kristi Joy said...

Thanks! And i think I would get long with your friend! HA HA HA... I am weird though, cuz I would prefer barefeet any day but I LOVE shoes... LOL, Oh well! Hope you are having an awesome day/week/start-of-year!!!
God Bless!

The Paasch-inator said...

Ummmm, your picture is awesome... what was that for? ;)

Kristi Joy said...

Thanx, It was for a "Girls night out formal" with the girls in my youth group last year! It was sooo fun!